SARCS brings disc golf to Spiritwood
By: Bevra Fee The sport of disc golf has been gaining in popularity over recent years, a fact not unnoticed by the volunteer board of Spiritwood Area Recreation, Culture & Sport (SARCS).
Read More‘Just transition’ looks increasingly unlikely
By: Jordan Twiss Fourteen years after Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed Canada onto a G20 commitment to wind down subsidies to the fossil fuel sector, the end may finally be in sight under current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government.
Read MoreFew understand the meaning of food security
By: Calvin Daniels Recently I spent some time in a garden talking about beans, and as we wound down the actual interview, we ended up sitting on a couple of lawn chairs in the shade of a bin.
Read MoreFresh faces take spotlight in world of sports
By: Bruce Penton The world of sports continues to supply fans with fresh new faces, extraordinarily talented athletes who sometimes hit the headlines and then fade away, or hit the headlines and become legends.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2023
Shell Lake Hey Days a traditional crowd pleaser
By: Bevra Fee The 40th Annual Shell Lake Homesteader Hey Days turned in the largest crowd in recent memory.
Read MorePolitical rhetoric paints misleading picture
By: Jordan Twiss If you were unwise enough to use politics as a barometer for the state of the world, you would almost certainly come away confused about what is reality and what isn’t.
Read MoreSask. set for summer of growth
By: Scott Moe & Jeremy Harrison Saskatchewan celebrated Parks Week July 9-15 with many events and themed programs available in provincial parks for visitors to enjoy.
Read MorePollinator health is crucial to human health
By; Calvin Daniels Humankind has tended to run roughshod over the planet since forever, thinking no matter what we do, or what problems we create, we’ll somehow manage to keep the wheels on the bus and rolling forward.
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